Sunday, November 22, 2009

November 22, 1963

Anyone of a certain age, and yes that includes me, knows exactly what we were doing about two minutes after this picture was taken.
I was sitting in Sr. Madonna's (No not "The Madonna") first grade class.
Every Day from noon to one, my mother watched Bill Burns, then Guiding Light and Search For Tomorrow. That's when soaps were on for only 15 minutes.
They broke into Search for Tomorrow with news the President had been shot. She then hurried up and called the school. Then I'm sure she called my Aunt Babe and they talked about if for hours on the phone.
We were told just to kneel in the aisle and pray. And that's what we did. No kneelers, no church. Just drop to our knees and pray right there. Right there in the aisle of Sr. Madonna's first grade class room in St. Mary's Grade School. I'm sure every other class room was doing the same thing.
Can you imagine if that were to happen today? Parents would be calling the school saying we ruined Johnny's knees for life and because of that, he will not have that future NFL career that he was sure to have!
Madmen did an episode about the assassination. Boy did they nail it. Hands down. That's why I totally loved that show.
What were you all doing that day?


Judi said...

So happy to see you back.....
I was home....hanging out, getting ready to go to afternoon kindergarten. My mother was downstairs doing laundry and my Nana Dip came running into the house (she lived a few doors up) with her full apron on....she grabbed my hand and brought me downstairs to the basement with her....and right there next to our brown washing machine with the clothespin holder hanging above me on the line and with my mom holding my dad's wet t-shirt---Nana told my mom the news in half Italian and half broken English. I didn't know for sure what happened so I just stood there looking at that washing machine and the clothespin holder. The 2 of them stood there crying. My mom threw the wet t-shirt down and we went upstairs to watch TV. I don't think my mom watched her "stories" (SFT&GL) that day.....
Yes, we all remember where we were....and we recall all the details.
Perhaps that's why I hate laundry so much....

Bette's Bags said...

I was 6 yrs old in 1st grade. My class was coming into the school after being out on the playground. I remember seeing all the teachers crying and my teacher asked what happened? Then she started crying...I was scared. Once back in our classroom an announcement came on the loud speaker telling us that we were going home early to be with our family. When I got off the bus my Mom AND Dad were there to get me off the bus. This scared me even Dad NEVER took off from work. We were out of school for a week. All anyone did for that whole week was sit in front of the tv. I will always remember feeling so sorry for Caroline and John-John. I wondered what would I do without my Daddy.
I wish I could say that after a while we went back to school and things got back to "normal". But they never did. Our Country lost not only our President we lost our innocence.

Sparkly Jules said...

I was just a year old that November, and don't remember it. I did, however, see Bobbi Kennedy in a parade in Los Angeles the day he was shot and killed there. I'll never forget that--his shiny blonde hair, waving from the back of a convertible, and my mother coming in the next morning, crying, to tell me that a bad man had killed the man in the parade. I cried too, although I wasn't exactly sure why then.
