Sunday, July 26, 2009

Oh, say, can you see, by the dawn's early light.....

Hopefully you don't fall in the dawn's early light and have to go to the emergency room.

Yesterday as I was trying to recover from drinking too many frozen cosmopolitans at Harris Grill. (Oye.........) I was lying (dying) on my living room sofa switching channels on tv when I came upon Bill Mayer's Politically Incorrect. Love it. Why can't someone like him be president. Can it be that he has too much common sense.? I guess Obama's the closest we'll get.

He asked a question that really hit home with me.

Why is it that when Republicans talk about patriotism, it's only applied to wars?

Does any one else but Bill and I think it's un-American that 50 million Americans are without health care? (80% of which are WORKING Americans)

How about every time someone says every American does not need health care, we call them un-American?

It sure makes sense to me. Let's all put on our patriotic hats. And wear them for more than one reason.

Ohhh say can you see..............


Judi said...

Frozen cosmopolitans! OMG....I gotta make those NOW!!!!!!!!! They will be a huge hit here at the beach. Thank God we have enough couches to help out....

Anonymous said...

ok eileen what is your feeling on how Obama is doing as President...

Eileen, Founder, Organizer, Mayor and Chief Cook And Bottle Washer of the Anger Management Girls. said...

Considering the state this country was in when he took over, I think he's doing a great job.
If nothing else, at least we aren't the laughing stock of the world anymore.
It's so refreshing to hear our president talk intelligently and in complete sentences.
(unlike me)

lisa said...

I thought you were writing this about me. I drank two frozen lemon drops went to bed, woke up, fell in the bathroom and ended up in the emergency room (last week)