Saturday, February 21, 2009

We Get By With A Little Help From Our Friends.

Something is wrong folks.

Something is seriously wrong.

I don't want to startle anyone. But something is wrong with me.

This morning I woke up in the am and MADE BREAKFAST. I know, I know. You all need a minute to catch your breath.

OK, so I am a little worried, because not only did I cook breakfast. I planned to cook breakfast.Those of you who know me, know I don't plan anything.
So yesterday I cooked a ham. Another shocker. Last night I cut it up and made one of those breakfast casseroles that have to sit overnight so the bread soaks up all the egg.

Oh yes I did. At 2AM.

Then, this morning I got up and put it in the oven and we ate breakfast. Just like a normal family. As a matter of fact, if you didn't know better, we could have been in a Norman Rockwell painting. Sort of. OK, lets just say Norman Rockwell on acid.

Please don't let this get out. My reputation is on the line here.

If I get up on Sunday and start making corn muffins (I actually used to do that EVERY Sunday) Will you all have an intervention?

Thanks, I knew I could count on my friends.

Speaking of needing the help of friends.

Our friends down at Hamebones need some help. If you can stop by and just spend a few bucks it would really help. This article was in today's Tribune Review.


Irishembi said...

If you bake muffins, I'll be sure to book you a corner room at Western Psych.

Judi said...

Okay then....
Start making breakfast at Hambone' boost business and to take care of the partiers from the night before! that's one cooking experience I don't do! However...I may change my tune now that a Japanese study has come out that says moms that serve their children breakfast curtail their children's teenage sexapades...
I heard it on WDVE.....must be true!
We're such good moms...!